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2024-03-13 20:18:56

New in Kitten¹: Markdown fragments
You can now write your Markdown in separate files and `import()` them as if they were JavaScript modules, just like you can with HTML and CSS fragments.
And while they don’t support props, they do support slots (including named slots, which you can use as poor man’s props.)
:kitten: 💕

Screenshot of code open in Helix Editor (active tab:, inactive tabs:,,

import Markup from './Markup.fragment.html'
import Styles from './Styles.fragment.css'
import Markdown from './'

export default () => kitten.html
  <page css>
  <${Markup} />

    <content for='title'>This is the title</content>
    <content for='date'>${new Date()}</content>
    <button>I’ve been slotted in.</but…
Screenshot of code for

## And this is from a markdown file

As is this.

- Title: __${SLOT.title}__
- Date: __${}__


And the content above was slotted into a markdown file.
Screenshot of code for Markup.fragment.html:

  <h1>This is from an HTML fragment.</h1>
  <p>As is this.</p>
Screenshot of the resulting page, rendered in a web browser:

H1: This is from an HTML fragment.

Paragraph: As is this.

H2: And this is from a markdown file

Paragraph: As is this.

List item: Title: This is the title

List item: Date: Wed Mar 13 2024 20:07:03 GMT+0000 (Greenwich Mean Time)

Button: I’ve been slotted in.

Paragraph: And the content above was slotted into a markdown file.
2024-04-14 17:02:14

“Yes, But.”  Via
2024-04-13 13:40:45

Kinda mind-blown. When @… 's masto.js migrated to JS Proxy API (, I was like "cool, …

Screenshot of work-in-progress code:

function fetchTrends(masto) {
  if (supports('@pixelfed/trending')) {
      range: 'daily',
  return masto.v1.trends.statuses.list({
    limit: LIMIT,
2024-02-14 17:09:29

Quel horreur.
Ihr wisst, was zu tun ist.
Höflich, begründet, nicht zu lang.…

Screenshot: Text "Zu Gast am 15. Februar 2024"

Je mit Porträtfoto:
Kevin Kühnert
MdB, Generalsekretär

Jens Spahn
MdB, stellvertretender Vorsitzender der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion

Sahra Wagenknecht 
MdB, zusammen mit Amira Mohamed Ali Vorsitzende der Partei „Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht“

Beatrix von Storch
MdB, stellvertretende Bundestagsfraktionsvorsitzende
2024-02-14 10:30:39

In letzter Zeit werden bei zahlreichen Konten von GMX und hohe Zahlen für fehlerhafte Log-in-Versuche angezeigt. 🚨
Zum Artikel:

Das Bild zeigt einen Screenshot mit dem Text: Guten Tag! Letzter Login am 26. Oktober. Es gab 1142 fehlgeschlagene Login-Versuche.

Überschrift: GMX- und
zeigen viele fehlerhafte Log-in-Versuche

Information: Angriffe auf Zugangsdaten nehmen zu. 
Derzeit fällt das etwa bei den Webmailern
GMX oder verstärkt auf.
2024-03-14 11:12:41

Meta is shutting down #Crowdtangle in August 2024. I haven't used it in some time, but found it useful to collect data after #Meta shut down / restricted their APIs.



This message is to let you know that CrowdTangle will no longer be available after August 14, 2024. 


Our data-sharing products are evolving alongside technology and regulatory changes. Phasing out CrowdTangle will allow us to focus resources on our new research tools, Meta Content Library and Content Library API, which provide useful, high-quality data to researchers. 


Data in CrowdTangle will continue to be updated in real time until August 14, 2024. However, please note t…
2024-03-13 22:36:27

And now the actual iPad screenshots.
The codebase is mostly SwiftUI SwiftGodot.
Out of the new 35,000 lines of Swift code (not including SwiftGodot), less than 300 are UIKit for special things.
This relies heavily on new iOS 17 Swift and SwiftUI features.
I would have probably given up on this if it was not for the new SwiftUI observation framework in iOS 17.
2024-03-13 03:43:20

The Feds Are Coming for “Extremist” Gamers: The Department of Homeland Security and FBI are in dialog with Roblox, Discord, Reddit, and others.
2024-03-13 06:00:36

F! It!
Great Australian Pods Podcast Directory: #GreatAusPods

F! It! 
Screenshot of the podcast listing on the Great Australian Pods website
2024-04-12 19:14:33

So I was quite happy with some UI to connect signals on the iPad, when I thought "Miguel, let us try this without the hardware keyboard".
Now I need to go back to the drawing board.
Thinking I can stash the "search" on the navigation bar.
It is a replacement for the UI on the 3rd screenshot: